February 01, 2016

Currently, it's 7:58 PM in this part of the world I'm typing from - Melbourne, Australia. It's still bright outside. Supposedly summer but it's pretty windy and chilly today. The air feels hot and dry, unlike Malaysia's hot and sticky sweaty. Sigh. I do miss the coconut water stalls lining the streets back in Malaysia. And the sky is bright, bright blue and strangely (at least, to my thoughts), no puffs of clouds in sight. Just blue. Very blue. 

From Melbourne Airport to Werribee, it was a 20-minute journey. 20 minutes of me sitting at the back seat by myself thinking;

It's unbelievable someone so small like me could ever had a big dream slowly becoming a reality. I am now away from the comfort of familiar faces, streets, you know, the feel, the whole zone. Thankfully, I have my husband by my side reminding me I'm not alone and that's great because it's almost too overwhelming. 

Monash life will begin soon (February 17th to be exact), and I'm feeling a bit nervous. Anything new makes me feel nervous because I wouldn't know what to expect. Of course, first, we need to find a small unit to call our home here before any other thing. 

I'm praying the dust would settle down soon and things would be much, much clearer. Amin.

Love, jnnhmds.

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